-“IT IS ALIVE” Any hopes that Mitt Romney would go quietly into that good night were dashed when the Governor decided to explain how he lost the election. In a conference call with his well healed donors Romney stated that the reason he lost was because the president and his campaign, offered “extraordinary financial gifts” to African-Americans (free health care), Hispanics (amnesty) and young voters (free contraceptives).
Nothing repairs a defeated party’s image like blaming the voters while doubling down on the divisive rhetoric that brought you that ignominious defeat.
Is there any doubt now that the “real” Mitt Romney is the guy we saw in that “47%” video clip?
-“GET YOUR OWN HOUSE(S) IN ORDER” Paul Ryan offered his own take on why the Romney/Ryan ticket lost the election. He said it was because of the large turnout in “urban areas.” We think he means black/Hispanic/poor when he says “urban” but we don’t want to put words in his mouth.
The Romney/Ryan ticket lost in very white New Hampshire and equally white Wisconsin. Romney /Ryan lost in Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin. Romney/Ryan lost in every town where Romney owns a home.
If you want to be president you have to respect the views of all Americans…not just the white ones.
-“ROI” the National Rifle Association has historically been considered a very powerful political force. Given the popularity of firearms in this country; if you believe in the second amendment then you want the NRA’s endorsement. The NRA has historically been very effective in helping their candidates win election.
This year…not so much!
The NRA spent $11.8 million in support of their chosen slate of candidates. Only 1% were elected; a 0.82% return on investment.
But you know who was really effective in backing winning candidates?
Planned Parenthood!
Planned Parenthood’s return on investment in the elections was 98.59%. PP won virtually everything they touched. They were particularly effective in the nine key swing states which effectively won the election for the president.
Republicans said that all women cared about were jobs and the economy. They might want to give those pesky women’s issues another look.
-“LIVING IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE” We just noted how important women’s issues were in the elections. And since there are some smart people in the Republican Party we just assumed that the Republican led state legislatures would take that nugget of information to heart as they returned to the task of governing.
Apparently the memo didn’t reach the Ohio state legislature.
Their first order of business upon returning to work …proposed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and criminalize abortion.
-“RETURNING TO WATERGATE” Senator John McCain and his sucker fish Minnie Me Lindsey Graham are proposing “Watergate style” hearings to look into the Benghazi affair. McCain and Graham also took the opportunity to harshly criticize UN Ambassador Susan Rice for her statements on the Sunday talk shows in the days following the raid on the US consulate. They said that they would block any effort to name her Hillary Clinton’s replacement as Secretary of State. They referred to Ms. Rice as unqualified and untrustworthy.
In her appearance on the Sunday talk shows Ms. Rice merely repeated the intelligence briefs that were provided to her by the CIA…briefs that were signed off by the CIA Director and long time Republican hero, David Patraeus.
Senators McCain and Graham might want to consider their own actions in the run up to the Iraq war. How they supported a war that took thousands of American lives based on the faulty intelligence briefs offered by the CIA. They might want to talk to Colin Powell to refresh their memory.
And while they are mulling that little bit of history…maybe we should consider Watergate style hearings into the part they played in beating the war drums based on a lie.
We could have a chat with “W” and Dick and Rummie as well.
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