Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Entertainment Tonight!"

We have been asked by more than a few folks why we have not commented on the David Patraeus affair.
We have elected to stay away from this story because frankly the only thing more tragic than the story itself is the “Entertainment Tonight” like spotlight provided by the media.
This is a family tragedy between General Patraeus and his wife.  We don’t know all the details…and we don’t want to know.  But it would not surprise us to learn that that the damage to this relationship was caused at least in part by too much time away from home owing to the rigors of war.
There is more to war than victory and defeat…the loss of life and the damage to limbs and psyche.  There is a cost borne by those left behind as well.  Relationships don’t win medals of valor for overcoming months and even years of neglect.  But they suffer just the same.
We have not written about this affair because for us it is a private matter.  Yes, even if one of the parties is a decorated war hero and Director of the CIA.  Generals are people too…and they succumb to same human flaws as the grunts they command.  That is not to offer any excuse or pardon for the general’s behavior.  That is his for his wife to give, not us.
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for over a decade.  Men and women are still dying over there.  Yet the media barely gives it notice.  That is until the former commander gets caught in a salacious affair.  Suddenly the story dominates the news cycle.  Not the plight of the foot soldier in his third, fourth or fifth deployment; but the general who allowed his power and libido to overcome his common sense.
Later today the president will give his first news conference since winning a historic election.  The economy is struggling, millions are out of work and the fiscal cliff looms large. 
So let us ask you…how much time do you think will be spent discussing these important issues?
Will the discussion be about important events that will shape our future?
Or will we be watching another segment of Entertainment Tonight?

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