Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Eve!

It’s almost over! 
Thank God!
Today is Election Eve.  After over a year of primaries, conventions, debates, gaffs, lies and over $2 billion in attack ads the campaign for President of the United States is finally drawing to a close.
The candidates will spend this last day in key swing states; delivering their message…making their case.
Then, tomorrow it will be up to you to decide who will hold the most powerful office in the world.
Tomorrow’s election offers voters a very clear choice.  We believe that the choice is obvious.
We believe that this president deserves a second term.
Why?  All you have to do is look back at the massive Grand Canyon like hole we were in when Barak Obama was sworn in as President.
This is a president who came into office facing enormous challenges.  The country was in a deep recession and in danger of falling into the worst depression since the early 30’s.  The banking industry was going into default.  The housing market was crashing.  The auto industry, one of the last visages of American manufacturing, was about to liquidate.  The country was hemorrhaging jobs at the alarming rate of 750,000 per month.  Unemployment was over 10%.  The GDP was spiraling downward at a rate of 10% per year.  The DOW was at 6500 and dropping steadily.  And, lest we forget, the country was fighting two costly wars and Osama bin Laden was residing comfortably in Pakistan.
Today, the economy is no longer in a recession. The GDP is growing at 2% per year.  The banking industry is stabilized and the housing starts are picking up again.  The auto industry is booming and we have added 500,000 new manufacturing jobs.  Corporate profits are at record highs and the DOW has doubled to 13,200.  Unemployment is under 8% and the economy has generated 42 straight months of steady job growth.  The war in Iraq is over and the path toward withdrawing from Afghanistan is set.  And Osama bin Laden will no longer wage his war of hate against the American people.  All, because of the strong leadership exhibited by this president.   
There are also the social issues to be considered. 
Today, gays and lesbians can serve in the military openly without fear of reprisal.  Gay couples can now legally marry.  Women can demand equal pay for equal work.  And a woman’s right to choose is still the law of the land.
Mitt Romney offers a very different view.  At least we think he does.  But he has changed his views so many times it is hard to tell.
What we do know is that he believes in far lower tax rates.  We do know that he would pay for these tax cuts by eliminating deductions and cancelling programs that are vitally important to the majority of Americans. That’s it!  That’s his plan.  We don’t know anything else because he won’t share the details with us until after we elect him to office.
So all we do know that Mitt Romney believes that the way to cure America’s ills is to go back to the same Bush policies that put us in this mess in the first place. 
Is the current state of the country good enough?  Absolutely not!  Is there still more to do?  Most definitely!  But given the massive, Grand Canyon size hole the country was in when this president took office; we believe that he has done a remarkable job.
Whatever your politics…whether you agree with us or not…please vote.  Don’t let those who would harass, intimidate or use other measures to keep you from the ballot box, win.  Because if you don't vote...they win.  


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