Monday, February 11, 2013

So Much To Do...So Little Time!

President Obama will give his State of the Union address tomorrow evening.  He is expected to talk about creating jobs.  This is a good thing because it seems as though he has talked about everything but jobs since his re-election.
He is expected to take a hard line on spending, gun control, immigration and tax reform.  If he draws a partisan line in the sand he does so at his peril, because his window of opportunity for compromise is very small.
The president has one year…eighteen months get his agenda passed.  Then congress will be much more concerned about surviving the mid-term elections than conducting the people’s business.  Once the mid-terms are over the president becomes a very lame duck with little political power at his disposal.  The 2016 presidential campaign starts right after the mid-terms.  Clinton, Biden, Christie, Rubio and a host of other wannabes will take center stage.
But first there is the little matter of the sequestration cuts that take effect on March 1st.  And don’t forget the upcoming debate on raising the debt ceiling.
So much to do…so little time!

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