Ever since the November elections, we have heard Republicans give a lot of lip service to “re-branding” their party. If they are truly serious about becoming more “inclusive” they might want to take a hard look at the primary conveyors of their message…Rush Limbaugh and FOXNEWS.
Since Rush Limbaugh began spewing his racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti- immigrant rhetoric on behalf of the radical right wing of the Republican Party, Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections.
Since FOXNEWS began airing its factually challenged unfair and unbalanced support of the conservative movement, Republicans have lost the popular vote in four of the last five presidential elections.
Limbaugh and FOXNEWS target white men; an ever decreasing demographic that is becoming increasingly irrelevant on the political stage. Their common message stems from a deep ideological disagreement with the president’s policies that borders on fanaticism. It is stoked by fear and a genuine hatred of this president as a man. Their misguided attacks on a president who is extremely well like personally and whose policies maintain high approval ratings; borders on insanity. While their message may be focused on an ever dwindling demographic, their incendiary hate speech has brought widespread condemnation from all races, creeds and sexual orientations.
Limbaugh and FOX are doing a grave disservice to a once proud Republican Party. Their hate speech and willingness to play loose with the truth has degraded not only their own credibility as media outlets, but that of the party they claim to support.
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