WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS? The Republican Party has been very quiet these past few days on the issue of gun control. As the groundswell of support for banning assault weapons and extended capacity clips grows Republican legislators seem to have retreated into hidey holes. Surely, in the after math of the murders of 20 6-7 year olds Republicans could find it within their hearts to ban weapons that are intended for use in war. Joe Manchin had the courage to speak out as did a few conservatives in the media. But by and large Republican legislators have been silent. Perhaps they are awaiting their marching orders from the NRA. The NRA has promised to release a major policy statement this Friday. Then Republicans will know what to do. Stay tuned.
LOOKING TOWARD 2016! While we wait for Republicans to do the right thing on gun control there are a few who have chosen a very different path. Republican Texas Governor Rick Social Security is a ponzi scheme Perry Virginia Governor Bob trans-vaginal ultra sound McDonald have decided that the best way to protect our children is to arm their teachers. They are seconded in this brilliant strategy by the always ridiculous Republican Congressman from Texas; Louis Ghomert. Both governors are eyeing White House bids in 2016. They are most definitely GOP presidential material. And what could be better than having the support of a lunatic like Ghomert.
WHERE IS JOHN McCAIN? The AP reports that an independent panel charged with investigating the September 11 attack in Libya that killed a US ambassador and three other Americans has concluded that “systematic management and leadership failures at the State Department” led to “grossly inadequate security” at the mission in Benghazi. In other words…the blame for the death of four Americans lies at the feet of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her management team. Now that we have the results of this independent study; why haven’t we heard from Senator John McCain? The good senator was more than willing to eviscerate UN Ambassador Susan Rice for her accounting of the attack on the Sunday news shows; even though he knew full well that she had nothing to do with the security measures at the Benghazi mission. But he seems unwilling to level the same diatribe at Secretary Clinton; the person ultimately accountable for the tragedy. Could it be that McCain’s torpedoing of Rice’s nomination as Clinton’s replacement was simply payback for he attacks on him during the 2008 campaign. Or could it be that he knows that attacking the powerful and popular Hillary Clinton would destroy his already marginal hope of retaining any position of power within the Senate? Senator McCain is a war hero who has served his country with honor. We salute his years of service. But he is also a grumpy old man who is still bitter over his campaign loss to the president and the part Ambassador Rice played in his defeat.
SPEAKING OF HILLARY CLINTON… Mrs. Clinton, succumbing to the effects of dehydration, fainted last week and suffered a concussion from the fall. She was schedule to appear before Congress tomorrow to answer questions on the attacks on the Benghazi mission. Her office has informed Congress that she is still recuperating and will be unable to testify. State Department officials William Burns and Thomas Nides will appear in her place. Hmmmm... Football players get their bell rung all the time and are back on the field the next day… We’re just sayin’. The last time somebody substituted for Clinton to answer questions on Benghazi it didn’t go so well. Burns and Hides might want to get some pointers from Susan Rice.
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