As the city of Newtown begins to bury it’s innocent we can’t help but feel the some good will come from this horrible tragedy.
We are encouraged by the conversation coming out of Washington regarding the use of firearms and the role they play in the culture of violence that is pervasive in our society. For too many years the words “gun control” could not be uttered without an avalanche of defensive rhetoric from the far right and the NRA. But yesterday the NRA website went dark and pro gun advocates have remained silent. In fact several notable guns rights advocates like Mark Warner and Joe Manchin said that the time had come to discuss sensible gun control laws.
There are still those on the fringe who believe that once gun control advocates succeed in passing even minimal gun control legislation it is only a matter of time before the government starts confiscating their guns. Frankly that is plain ‘bs.” No one is talking about taking away their right to own a hand gun. But Warner Manchin and others have stated clearly that there is simply no need to own an arsenal that includes semi-automatic assault rifles and extended capacity magazines.
We are also encouraged that the discussion is not just about guns but also about how we deal with mental illness and the role the entertainment industry and parenting plays in the in the growth of violence in our country.
As the days pass and we learn more we can see in hindsight how all three may have played a part in the Newtown tragedy. We know the Adam Lanza had some behavioral issues. We know that his mother and first victim, Nancy Lanza was deeply concerned about his mental state. We know that Adam spent hours alone playing video games typical of young male adolescents. And we know that Nancy Lanza was a gun enthusiast who owned several firearms and that she often took Adam to the local firing range to shoot. Finally, we know that the guns that this mentally challenged young man used in the assault were legally owned by Nancy Lanza.
Certainly there are questions that have to be asked. Why would a parent who is concerned about their child’s mental health allow and even encourage that child’s use of firearms? Was Nancy Lanza able to find the professional help she needed given that we have greatly reduced the number of available mental health facilities due to lack of funding? What role did Adam’s endless hours of watching violent video games play in desensitizing him toward the realities of violence?
We may never know the answers to the questions…but we have to keep asking if we are to prevent these tragedies from happening again. No single piece of legislation will stop the epidemic of gun violence in our country. But we have to come together to find a comprehensive solution.
There is a change in tone and rhetoric in Washington that is palpable. It provides the president with a window of opportunity to make a real difference in the culture of violence that has become systemic in our society. The president needs to act and act quickly to put forth a comprehensive plan that will begin to curb violence in our country.
The country has made it clear that enough is enough. The opposition has been silenced. It is time for the president to lead. But he must act quickly before this opportunity dissipates like it has so many times before.
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