Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Which Mitt Romney Will Viewers See Tonight?

If November 6th is Christmas Day for political wonks then tonight is Christmas Eve. Tonight we will bear witness to the first of three highly anticipated Presidential debates.  An estimated 50 million viewers will tune in to watch two candidates explain their divergent views on the role of government…
…and both of them are named Mitt Romney.
Many viewers will be tuning in to this campaign for the very first time; getting their first glimpse of candidate Mitt Romney.  The question is which Mitt they will see.
Will they see the Mitt Romney that his wife and friends describe as funny and warm and caring?  Or will they see the embodiment of Thurston Howell III; the stiff stilted millionaire disconnected from the plight of average Americans? 
Will they see the Mitt Romney who says that he wants to be the president of 100% of Americans?  Or will they see the Mitt Romney who says his job is “not to worry about the 47% of Americans who consider themselves victims, who don’t pay taxes and don’t take personal responsibility for their own lives.”
Will they see the Mitt Romney who derides those who don’t pay taxes?  Or will they see the Mitt Romney who has aggressively used every available loophole and offshore tax shelter to avoid paying his own taxes? Whose tax returns are so damaging that he is unwilling to reveal them to the American people?
Will they see the Mitt Romney who said the president’s auto bailout was a terrible idea?  Or will we see the Mitt Romney who took credit for the bailout’s success; claiming the president followed his advice?
Will they see the Mitt Romney who vows that as president his policies will create good paying American jobs?  Or will we see the Mitt Romney whose policies as Governor of Massachusetts allowed his state to slip to 49th in job creation?
Will they see the Mitt Romney who derides the president for failing to standing up to China while allowing good paying American jobs to move overseas?  Or will they see the Mitt Romney who made millions at Bain Capital exporting American jobs to China?
Will they see the Mitt Romney who would round up all the illegal immigrants and ship them back to the country of their origin?  Whose idea of immigration reform is a wall and self reporting?  Or will they see the Mitt Romney who says if elected he will allow the president’s amnesty program for children of illegal’s to remain in place?
Will they see the Mitt Romney who as governor was instrumental in implementing universal health care in Massachusetts; an achievement so high on Mitt’s list of accomplishments that he chose to prominently display the legislation in his official gubernatorial portrait?  Or will they see the Mitt Romney who vows to repeal “Obamacare” on his first day as president?
Will they see the Mitt Romney who says that he will always be an advocate for a women’s right to choose?  Or will we see the Mitt Romney wants to repeal Roe v. Wade?
Which Mitt Romney will they see?
And regardless of which Mitt shows up tonight in Denver; will he be the same Mitt that shows up for the next debate on October 16th?
More importantly…if elected…which Mitt Romney will govern?  

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