One more comment on last night’s debate…
Lost in Romney’s sudden willingness to agree with the president’s policies on Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Libya were comments he made on the use of soft power in the Middle East and a convoluted approach to China.
Regarding the Middle East, Romney said that “we can’t kill our way out of this mess.” He spoke of working with Middle Eastern countries on economic and social issues in order to soften their extremist views of the United States. He talked about working to build schools and infrastructure. He talked about educating Middle Eastern women and advocating for their rights. Suddenly moderate Mitt was advocating for the use of soft power, negotiation and compromise. Neocon Mitt was left sitting at home.
We found this new line of thinking laughable. Pull up the debate online. Listen to Mitt the peacemaker make the case for education, infrastructure and women’s rights in the war torn Middle East. Then pull up any of Mitt’s stump speeches here in the good old US of A. Listen as he advocates cutting education and transportation, rejects equal pay, and pushes to overturn a woman’ right to choose. The hypocrisy is palpable.
He did the same thing with China. First he said that China is not a country to be feared. They don’t want war, he said. They want a growing economy and open avenues for trade throughout the globe. He said they are a partner that we can work with. Then he turned around and raked them over the coals for stealing our intellectual property, engaging in unfair trade practices and manipulating their currency.
The two faces of Mitt Romney. Which one will we see tomorrow?
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