SYRIA – The Neo-cons have been quite vocal in criticizing what they believe is a lack of leadership by the Obama administration in stopping the violence in Syria. Led by Senator John McCain, they have lampooned the president for “doing nothing” and have called upon him to “exert America’s influence in the region” and “demonstrate America’s unparalleled leadership in world affairs.” That’s Neo-con for “blow stuff up.”
We’ll, it turns out that the president has been doing something. We have known that the administration through Secretary of State Clinton has worked tirelessly on building an international coalition to pressure Assad to stop the violence and relinquish power. We now know that the administration, through CIA operatives on the ground, has been working to: identify and organize the rebel leadership, uncover Assad’s alleged stock piles of chemical weapons and stop the shipment of arms flowing from to Assad from Iran.
This is a president whose record shows that he is anything but timid when it comes to protecting America’s interests. From organizing an international coalition to oust Gadhaffi, to the raid that killed bin laden to the drone strikes which have decimated al Qaeda’s leadership, this president has worked quietly and effectively behind the scenes to do the country’s business. The president recognizes that America’s influence in the region is not now nor will it ever be what it once was. Yet he has been effective in protecting the country from attack and crippling our enemies without putting boots on the ground.
The President is every bit as strong on America’s defense as the most “Neo” of the Neo-cons. Fortunately for us he spends his time getting the job done rather than making hawkish political speeches.
MITT ROMNEY - will travel abroad in the next few days. He will visit Israel, Poland and England where he will attend the Olympics. During this trip he is expected to deliver two speeches in which he will outline his views on foreign policy.
So far Romney has limited his comments on foreign policy to criticizing the president’s approach without providing any specific alternatives. What little that he has shared about this world view mirrors the Bush/Chaney policies that are loathed by all but the far, far right of the Republican Party.
Romney is entering the region at one of the most combustible times in history. The financial crisis in Europe, the events of the Arab Spring, a new power structure in Egypt, civil war in Syria, Iran’s nuclear ambitions and our uneasy alliance with Pakistan all make for a tinderbox waiting to explode. Romney’s effort to express his world views could provide the match.
Romney needs to be careful here. We don’t need any more of his gaffs.
PENN STATE – The NCAA has released their much anticipated sanctions against Penn State University for its part in the Sandusky child abuse incident. A $60 million dollar fine, the loss of 20 scholarships per year for four years, no bowl participation for four years, implementation of a host of internal compliance regulations, forfeiture of all wins from 1998-2010 and five years probation, will effectively kill the football program for the next decade. So the question is…did the NCAA get it right? Are the sanctions too harsh…too lenient? It’s difficult to say. After all what price can one place on the abuse of even one child not to mention the abuse numerous children over the span of a decade?
The NCAA has sent a message that is sure to reverberate in universities throughout the country: the university presidents and chancellors are in charge…the football gods best take heed.
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