HOUSTON…WE HAVE A PROBLEM! The Romney Death Star has a problem. The campaign has been taking a lot of shots lately from those who feel the governor has been long on rhetoric and short on substance. The problem lies in the fact that those firing the shots are not just liberal supporters of the President but heavyweight conservatives as well. William Kristol, Rupert Murdock, Jack Welsh the Wall Street Journal and a host of other conservative stalwarts want more from Romney.
For years the Romney campaign machine has been living off of a simple message: ‘The economy sucks. It’s Obama’s fault. Vote for me.” But conservatives are realizing that this message is not playing well with voters who want to know specifically what Romney is going to do to fix the country’s problems. Voters want specifics…and leading conservatives want Romney to provide those specifics.
The problem is Romney doesn’t do well with specifics. You can see him bristle whenever a reporter has the audacity to push him on an issue. But who can blame Romney for being wary. Every time he takes a specific stand on an issue he gets it wrong. The auto bailout, the bank bailout, the foreclosure crisis, the stimulus, finding bin Laden, sending troops into Libya…each time he came out forcefully on an issue he ended up on the wrong side of success.
SURPRISE…PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES GET ASKED ABOUT THEIR FINANCES! Mitt Romney has been campaigning for president for the better part of a decade. So you would think that the Romney campaign would be ready to answer questions about the candidates’ financial holdings. Not so much. The campaign is struggling once again to answer reports of newly discovered offshore holdings totaling in the millions. We have to wonder why someone running for president would not have either made the pre-emptive decision to move the funds back on shore or at the very least offered full disclosure into the details of the accounts. But once again Romney bristles when pressed for details. It is as if he is not used to explaining himself. Note to Romney…get used to it. If you win it only gets worse.
SHAME ON THE LIBERAL MAIN STREAM MEDIA…for giving Romney hell about taking a weeks’ vacation with his family. Particularly distasteful were the cheap comments regarding photos of Romney riding a jet ski with his wife, Ann. Running for President is a tough, grueling job; even more so when you have been running for the better part of a decade. Give the guy a break! We suspect that many of the crass remarks were made out of jealousy that the 65 year old Romney can parade around in a bathing suit without embarrassing himself. Most of the Pillsbury doughboy media do not share that luxury.
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