While Congress prepares to begin an idealogical food fight over the Republicans' intention to repeal "Obamacare", and haggles over fixing the deficit, the country's most feared competitor, China, continues to grow more powerful.
An overwhelming majority of the American people have stated quite clearly that they want the government to raise taxes on the rich, end the war in Afghanistan, cut the deficit and cut government spending. But the President and the lame duck Congress crafted a "bi-partisan solution" that ignored the will of the people. Tax cuts were continued, the war rages on, the deficit grows and wasteful government spending is business as usual. Today's news is filled with articles citing billions of dollars of infrastructure projects in Iraq and Afghanistan, paid for by American tax dollars, that are crumbling for lack of use and care. This while military operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen escalate. An excess of 450 military bases around the world continues to drain American coffers.
Meanwhile the number of wars China is waging is zero. The number of Chinese military bases on foreign soil is zero. China is aggressively spending its' money on inovation, infrastructure and purchasing minerals around the world. They are strengthening their trade agreements in Asia, Europe and Africa and thereby expanding markets for their products.
China is spending its' money on growth and investments while the US spends its' money on blowing things up.
Nice to see your blog online! Looking forward to reading it...