In the new spirit of civility and bi-partisanship Democrats and Republicans have vowed to sit next to each other during tomorrows’ State of the Union address. Gone will be the time honored tradition of elected leaders from the President’s party popping up like jack-in-the boxes at every uttered exclamation or pause while the opposing party sits on their hands in glum silent protest. Gone will be the always entertaining optics of our elected leaders acting like jackasses.
But never fear; once the speech has been given and the klieg lights doused they will return to their respective coroners and the battle will once again begin.
Those privy to the President’s remarks say he will call for more increases in spending; primarily in the areas of education, infrastructure, innovation and research and development. He will say that we must continue to invest in these areas to secure our future and to compete in the world marketplace. He will make this case in spite of the fact that these spending increases will add even more red ink to an ever increasing deficit.
The Republicans will counter with a call for sweeping cuts in spending. They will say that we need to make cuts across the board including education, infrastructure, innovation and research and development. They will boast that their proposals will cut $500 million dollars from the deficit. $500 million is certainly real money. But it is a drop in the bucket when compared to a $14 trillion dollar deficit.
Neither party will address the two white elephants in the room: defense spending and entitlement programs. The desire for re-election always trumps any meaningful conversation about cutting these areas.
So let’s all enjoy the “Kumbayah” moment tomorrow night. Then let’s get back to the non-substantive dialogue and partisan posturing that we have come to expect from our elected leaders.
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