Friday, June 1, 2012

A Winning Strategy

The Obama Campaign has drawn a lot of heat from opponents, supporters and surrogates for demonizing Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital.  You can include us among those detractors.
But as we all know it is easy to criticize something and a whole lot harder to offer a viable solution.  With that in mind we suggest that instead of criticizing Romney and Bain the President try something like this…
“There seems to be general consensus that I am reluctant to run on my record.  Quite the contrary.  I am proud of what we have accomplished over these past 3 years; particularly considering the condition things were in when we got here.  So to all those who say that I should steer clear of my record I offer this in response:
Millions of you went to the ATM today.  You were able to go to the ATM and get the cash you needed because of the steps I took to keep the banking industry from collapsing.  Mitt Romney said that I should have allowed the banks to collapse.
Millions of you went to work today at automobile assembly plants.  Hundreds of thousands of you went to work in machine shops and manufacturing companies that make parts for the auto industry.  Tens of thousands of you went to work in local diners and coffee shops and retail stores and other small businesses that cater to the auto industry workers.  You have your jobs, your pensions and your livelihood today because I took steps to save the auto industry.  Mitt Romney said that was a bad idea.  He said I should have let the auto industry go bankrupt.
Many of you were in danger of losing your homes.  But you have your homes today because of the steps I took to save the home mortgage industry and stop the predatory foreclosures. Mitt Romney said that was a bad idea.  He said I should have let the homeowner industry “hit rock bottom.”
Millions of you out of a job and are forced to collect unemployment insurance.  I know that it embarrasses many of you to find yourself in that position.  I know that you are hardworking people and you need that money to support your families.  Mitt Romney and his party wanted to cut your benefits.  Mitt Romney and his party say that you are lazy, slackers and drug addicts.  He and his party say that by allowing you to collect unemployment I am only encouraging you NOT to work.  I know that’s not true.  You have those benefits today because I would not allow Congress to cut them.  Mitt Romney wanted to cut your benefits so he could afford to give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires.
All of you that are working are receiving a little bit more in your take home pay because of a payroll tax holiday that I passed.  It may not be much.  But it will put groceries on your table and gas in your tank.  Mitt Romney and his party didn’t want to give you that payroll tax cut.  They wanted to reduce the federal tax rates for millionaires and billionaires. 
Many of you are students who are paying for your education through low interest government loans or Pell Grants.  Mitt Romney wants to increase the interest rate on those loans and do away with Pell Grants all together.  He says you should borrow the money from your parents.  You still have those loans and those Pell Grants today because of steps that I took to preserve them.
Many of you have graduated from college but can’t find a job.  Because I passed the Affordable Health Care Act you are able to stay on your parents’ health insurance policy until you are twenty six years old or until you find a job with benefits.  Mitt Romney doesn’t want you to have that option.  He thinks your parents or your church should help you pay for any medical needs you may have.
Millions of you have just recovered from a major illness that was covered by your health insurance company.  In the past you would have seen your insurance cancelled because you were no longer a profitable risk to your health insurance carrier.  Millions of you have a preexisting condition that in the past would have prohibited you from obtaining health insurance.  And millions of you have lost your jobs.  In the past you would have lost your insurance coverage as well.  But because I passed the Affordable Health Care Act all of you have insurance coverage today. Mitt Romney says that the first thing he will do if he is elected will be to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act.  If he succeeds you will lose your coverage.  When asked how you will pay for your medical needs he says that you’ll either have to find a way to pay for it out of your pocket or your family or your church will have to take care of you.
As I said, I’m proud of the things that we have accomplished over these past three and a half years.  The economy is growing.  The unemployment numbers are down.  We’re creating more jobs; 4.2 million of them in the past three years.  But we are not done.  There is more that we need to do.  We need to get more people working and we need to get the economy growing faster than it is. Things are better but we need to keep moving forward.   The last thing we need to do is return to the exact same policies that got us in this mess in the first place.  And if you listen to Mitt Romney, his plans are to do just that.”
If we were Barak Obama we would repeat this over and over and over and over…


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