Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Who's In Charge?

The CIA muddies the waters on Benghazi.
The IRS targets conservative political groups.
The Justice Department taps the phone records of the Associated Press.
The president says he first learned about all of these events while watching the news.
It’s Christmas in May for the Republican Party!  Mitch McConnell almost peed himself.
Obama's second term agenda…forget about it.
Immigration reform…not gonna’ happen.
Tax reform…nope!
Revisit gun control…seriously?
The only thing you will hear coming out of Washington from now until the mid-terms is the constant drone of investigative hearings.
The president has only himself to blame.
We along with many others have criticized the president for his reluctance to cultivate relationships on both sides of the aisle.  He has recently dipped his toe in the “schmooze” waters but it is too little too late.  Now he finds himself operating without a net.  Republicans smell blood in the water and Democrats are showing him their back.
As for the press…  The president has always counted on the press to carry his message. 
Now?   This from an op-ed piece in today’s New York Times on the AP phone records:
“We will not allow these tactics to scare us off.”
This president likes to make public speeches and then sit back and watch as events play out.  He is comfortable wearing the cloak of plausible deniability.  “I first heard about it on the news.” 
If this president honestly first learned about his justice department’s investigation into press leaks exposing  operations that placed American lives in jeopardy and threatened national security on the evening news…then there is a serious, serious problem within his administration.   
While addressing reporters at a recent press conference the president lamented the constant turmoil that looms over Washington.  “I’d just like to govern” he said.
So govern!
Call in the people that were involved in these scandals.  Get the facts.  Take responsibility.  Express your outrage.  Fire those responsible.  Tell the American people what you intend to do to make certain it never happens again. 
And then ACT.
We have said time and time again that a president gets all the blame and all the credit for the events that occur on his watch.  Benghazi, the IRS, the AP mess…these are his whether he knew about them first hand or caught the headline on cable news. 
Own it!  Act on it!  Govern!
Treasury, Justice, State the CIA!  This is YOUR administration, Mr. President.  If you are not in charge who in the hell is?
Chris Mathews recently said that the only time that a voter has any say in the direction of the country is at the polls.  The voter makes a choice as to who he or she wants to drive the car.  Obama will steer the country a bit toward the left.  Romney would have chosen a road more to the right.  The voters chose Obama to drive the car.
Drive the damn car, Mr. President! 
Stop lounging in the back seat.


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