Eight year old Josh Welsh was suspended by his school for chewing his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.
The NRA contacted eight year old Josh Welsh and awarded him lifetime membership.
Eight year old Josh Welsh has become an icon in the eyes of gun advocates.
The president has been reluctant to provide arms to the Syrian rebels.
John McCain thinks he should.
John McCain snuck into Syria to meet with rebel leaders and express his solidarity.
John McCain intentionally undermined the president.
John McCain posed for pictures with rebel leaders.
Two of men posing with McCain are known kidnappers.
Tea Party Republicans love the constitution.
Tea Party Republicans hate wasteful spending.
Tea Party Republicans demand a balanced budget.
Tea Party Republicans control the Republican Party.
The Republican Party controls the House of Representatives.
The Republican controlled House passed a budget.
The Republican led House chastised the Democrat led Senate for failing to pass a budget for four years.
The Democrat led Senate finally passed a budget.
According to the constitution, the two budgets must go to “conference” to reach a compromise.
Tea Party Republican Senators Cruz, Rubio, Lee and Rand are blocking nominees to the conference committee, thereby obstructing the constitutional process and blocking a balanced budget.