This story has been buried by the tsunami of media coverage focused on the gun control debate. But we think it bears noting.
The Republican leadership met recently to discuss their position on various matters of foreign affairs. The issue that spurred this conclave was the aggressive posture being posed by the North Korean regime.
So if you are a Republican lawmaker and you want to bring in the top conservative guru on foreign affairs, “who you gonna’ call?”
Dick Cheney!
Dick did such a bang up job of dealing with another wacko dictator, Saddam Hussein; who better to advise Republicans on the recent aggression of Kim Jung Un.
Cheney has reportedly decided that we are in deep do as respects North Korea’s current nuclear aggression due to President Obama’s failure to put the regime in its rightful place in the past.
It should be noted that at the exact time that Dick and George were taking us into a war in Iraq over weapons that didn’t exist…North Korea was going about the business of successfully building its nuclear capability.
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