Four days ago the Republican led House of Representatives returned from a ten day recess and took up the task of conducting the people’s business. During these past four days they did the following:
-Encouraged the Supreme Court to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
-Voted against the renewal of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act because it provided protection for ALL women regardless of race, ethnicity or sexual persuasion.
-Allowed the sequestration spending cuts that negatively impact 98% of the population to go into effect rather than agree to close tax loopholes for millionaires and billionaires.
In summary…in four days time the House Republicans managed to alienate voters who are : women, gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, black, Latino, Asian, American Indian, poor, working poor, middle class, retired, infirmed, elderly, unemployed, students, veterans, government employees and members of the armed services.
And then they went home for another recess.
Well done!
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