Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney Shows Spine...Picks Ryan For VP

Sensing the need to change the political narrative Mitt Romney has chosen seven term Wisconsin House Representative Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential running mate.  In making this controversial pick Romney has drawn a very broad line in the sand separating his world view from that of the President.  The Ryan pick also makes it clear that his campaign is all about focusing on the conservative base rather than courting moderates and independents.
From day one the Team Romney had worked diligently to make this campaign a referendum on Obama’s record and the failing economy.  But it wasn’t working.  The Obama Campaign had successfully framed the narrative around Romney’s wealth and tax returns.  They portrayed Romney as an out of touch rich guy disconnected from the plight of the average American.  Recent polls showed that the Obama strategy was working as his lead in key battle ground states slowly increased beyond the margin of error.  Instead of attacking Obama’s record Romney found himself defending his own.  And there is an old adage in politics…if you’re defending you’re losing.  The Ryan pick is a bold attempt to change the narrative…to move the conversation back to the economy.
The problem with the Ryan pick is that it brings the controversial Ryan Budget Plan into the forefront of the conversation.
For those who are unfamiliar…the budget proposed by Paul Ryan would lower taxes for all Americans and increase defense spending.  In order to pay for these items without increasing the deficit, Ryan would implement massive cuts in social programs and end Medicare and Medicaid as they currently exist.  Medicare would be turned into a type of voucher payment where recipients would get a lump sum payment out of which they would be expected to buy health insurance and pay for any deductibles and co-pays.  Any expenses incurred over and above the lump sum would be the recipient’s responsibility.  Ryan would disband Medicaid as a federal program and turn it over to the states as a block grant program.  The individual states would then be responsible for administering Medicaid payments as they saw fit. 
While the Ryan Budget Plan is wildly popular among the base, it is reviled by most Americans. Americans love Medicare and they don’t want to lose it.  Even radically conservative Tea Party members get confused in their small government loyalties.  Tea Party members attending rallies protesting against big government and the President’s Affordable Health Care Act have been seen brandishing signs that scream: “Keep your government hands off my Medicare.”  
Romney openly supported the Ryan Budget when he was courting the base in the Republican primaries.   But Romney moved to the middle once the nomination was secured and the Ryan Budget ceased to be part of the conversation.  Now that Romney has picked Ryan, the Obama Campaign will make sure that Romney wears the Ryan Budget like a second skin; a fact Romney has apparently embraced.
The other controversy with the Ryan pick concerns his current employer and his past voting record.  Ryan is the House Budget Committee Chairman serving in the congress with the lowest approval rating in history.  And in spite of the fact that he is considered a true believer of conservative values, his voting record says something quite different.  Ryan voted for the Bush tax cuts, for the Iraq War, for the Afghan War, for Medicare Part D and for the extension of the Bush tax cuts.  None of these votes were funded.  Collectively they added trillions to the debt and deficit.  You can be sure that the Obama Campaign will bring this bit of hypocrisy to the country’s attention.
In spite of the controversy surrounding this pick we think Romney made the right move.  Ryan is a super star in the Republican Party; and his well articulated, fiscally conservative views resonate with the party faithful.   Romney had to change the narrative and he had to once and for all define himself with an uncommitted base.  Picking  Pawlenty or Portman would have only added more “dull” to the yawn fest.  Adding Ryan to the ticket and wrapping himself in the Ryan Budget will excite the party and accomplish those goals.  And it answers the one question that has been a millstone around his neck:  "Is he a true conservative." 
We like the pick because it gives voters a clear choice as to the direction they want the country to move.  While we disagree with Romney’s vision for the country; we applaud him for having the courage to take a stand.


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