As you might expect the reaction to the President’s statement in support of same sex marriage is split along ideological lines.
The liberal main street media is all a flutter. Hope and change has returned to the political stage.
More interesting has been the reaction from conservative politicians and pundits. Their response has ranged from cynicism to denial to an appreciation for the president’s acknowledgement of state’s rights.
The President said two things on Tuesday. He said that he personally supports same sex marriage. He also said that the matter should be left to the states to decide. Many conservatives say that the president’s statement is much ado about nothing because everyone knew the President supported same sex marriage…even if he didn’t have the political courage to say so publically. Some believe that his “evolution” was little more than a political calculation. Others point out that by assigning the resolution to the states the President is echoing the same conservative message that Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley, Lester Maddox, George Wallace and other federalists have preached throughout history.
So in the end…what does it all mean?
This President's remarks should not be taken lightly. Over the past two decades the LGBT community has fought for two basic causes: the right to enter into a monogamous, committed family relationship and have that union recognized under the law; and the right to serve in the military and put their life on the line in defense of their country. It seems to us that these are two clear examples of conservative values. The President has spoken out in support of the former and he has been instrumental in the achievement of the latter.
Social issues in this country evolve slowly…very, very slowly. In 1967 it was still illegal in 14 states for men and women of different races to marry. Today children of interracial marriages walk the streets without warranting a glance. One even lives in the White House. While many baby boomers maintain that marriage should be limited to a union between a man and a woman their grandchildren view same sex parents with indifference.
This country is moving toward the day when same sex couples will be allowed to legally marry. And the support of a sitting President is symbolically a historic and monumental step in that direction. If the President believes that same sex marriage is a civil right under our constitution, then he will have to do more politically to effect that change. But those who would marginalize the significance of the President’s recent statement are being disingenuous and ignoring the inevitable direction in which country is moving.
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