Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lead, Follow Or Get The Hell Out Of The Way

There is good news coming out of the Supreme Court today.
Apparently the Court has found no compelling reason to delay their ruling on the constutionality of the President’s health care reform act until its complete implementation in 2014.  The law requires individuals to purchase health insurance by 2014, and would fine those who are not in compliance.  Many legal pundits surmised that the Court might decline to hear the case until such fines were actually levied.  According to those in the room, the Justices seem more than eager to adjudicate the matter without further delay.
This is good news for the country.
The President spent the first sixteen months in office and a great deal of political capital pushing through this signature piece of legislation.  His political opponents have spent the following two years doing everything in their power to repeal the law.  While this political food fight rages on the cost of health care continues to skyrocket, our economy continues to suffer and our quality of life continues to deteriorate. 
Both sides are placing all of their eggs in the Supreme Court basket.  There is no “Plan B”.  When asked what the administration’s response would be if the law is repealed; White House Communications Director, Jay Carney said: “I would direct you to the Department of Health and Human Services.”  In a recent column renowned conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer was eloquent in making the case for repeal of the law.  But like his conservative associates, Krauthammer offered not one scintilla of a solution.  It’s easy to criticize.  It’s much more difficult to find a credible solution.
It’s time for this debate to end. Everyone agrees that the health care issue is at a “crises” level.  It consumes 18% of our economy and is threatening our financial security and quality of life.  If “Obamacare” is deemed constitutional by the Court then we need to embrace it and move forward.  If the law is repealed then the American people must demand that the White House and Congress put their partisanship aside and find a credible solution.  Now!
We welcome the Court’s decision…whatever that decision may be.  It’s time to move on. 
And to those pudits and law makers who have nothing more to offer than partisan talking points and half assed quips...its time for them to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.              

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