Tuesday, June 28, 2011

White House Memo Tells Tale

Lost in the media noise of Blago’s conviction and Bachman’s announcement was this little underreported tidbit about Afghanistan.
The White House issued a briefing memo to the members of the United States Senate.  In the memo the White House states the following:
“We have not seen any terror threats emanating from Afghanistan in the past 7-8 years.”
“There is no effort within Afghanistan to use that country as a launching pad to carry out attacks outside Afghanistan borders.”
“We do not see a transnational threat coming out of Afghanistan.”
“…it is not going to affect the threat in Pakistan either.”
Given this White House assessment…why are we still there?  Why are we continuing to spend over $2 billion dollars a week in a country from which “we do not see any transnational threat…?”  Why do we have 100,000 troops in a country in which “there is no effort to use that country as a launching pad to carry out attacks outside Afghanistan borders?”
There can only be one reason.  We are still in Afghanistan because the government wants to maintain a military presence in close proximity to our “ally” Pakistan.   The White House won’t say this; but with Pakistan as an ally who needs enemies.

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