Monday, April 1, 2013

...and yet Congress does nothing.

If you are a gun control advocate who felt that the Sandy Hook shootings would spur the country and the Congress to do something about the rampant gun violence in this country…it appears that you are in for a major disappointment.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid outlined a bill last week that does not include a ban on assault weapons or high capacity magazines; although Reid promised to hold a vote on that proposal as an amendment to his bill.
What Reid is proposing is a bill that expands background checks and ramps up penalties for gun trafficking.  He intends to bring to the floor when the Senate from Easter recess.
Unfortunately for Senator Reid, and the country, it appears that his efforts will be in vain.
Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz have sent a letter to Reid informing him that they will filibuster ANY attempts to change the existing gun laws.  And a number of other Republican Senators have spoken out against strengthening gun laws, even those that would keep guns out of the hands of felons and the mentally ill.
Over twenty five hundred US citizens have been shot to death since Adam Lanza took twenty six lives 107 days ago.  Two days ago the Kaufman County Texas District Attorney and his wife were found shot to death in their home, barely two months after one of the same county’s assistant district attorneys was gunned down in broad daylight on the steps of the county courthouse.
Innocent children are being massacred…criminal justice officials are being assassinated…and yet Congress does nothing.

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